September 26, 2023
Valentine Elementary School conducted the required monthly fire drill and quarterly lockdown drill today, September 26th.

September 19, 2023
We look forward to seeing you and your student for the Student Led Engagement Dialogues occurring tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20th and Thursday, September 21st. Wednesday and T...

September 4, 2023
Have passion for music, technology, PE, and/or art? Enjoy working with elementary students? Merge those talents and offer enriching experiences once a week (Music-Mondays, Technol...

September 4, 2023
Read our monthly school newsletter, Eagle Eyes, go stay up-to-date on events and news from Valentine Elementary School.

September 4, 2023
Check out the September Calendar for school and special events. Please have your students in school every day to ensure they are able to participate in all the opportunities.

September 2, 2023
Happy Labor Day!!!!
No School Monday, September 4th - enjoy the long weekend!!!

August 17, 2023
Dear Valentine Families,
We have a SEVERE orange allergy within the school and ask that you please DO NOT SEND fresh oranges as a snack or for lunches with your students.

August 14, 2023
Read our monthly school newsletter, Eagle Eyes, go stay up-to-date on events and news from Valentine Elementary School.

August 14, 2023
Check out the August Calendar for school and special events.
Please have your students in school every day to ensure they are able to participate in all the opportunities.

August 14, 2023
Welcome Back to School Valentine Families!!!
We are excited to have students returning to the classrooms for the 2023-2024 school year.
Here are a few reminders: Student ca...

August 10, 2023
Review the bus stops and schedules to ensure your child will be in attendance on the first day of school, Monday, August 14th.

July 17, 2023
Valentine Elementary School District 22 will be holding a sealed bid auction of surplus items. Sealed bids will be received from July 17th through August 15th.
For more inform...

July 13, 2023
Valentine Elementary School will be sending out 2023 - 2024 Acceptance Letters beginning the week of July 24th.
Due to the late filing of the majority of student enrollment ap...

July 3, 2023
Valentine Elementary School is seeking individuals who would like to work with our students as Art, Music, P.E., and Technology Instructors. Click on our Employment section to vie...

July 1, 2023
Like and Follow Our New Facebook and Instagram Pages https://www.facebook.com/ValentineElementarySchool
https://www.instagram.com/valentineelementaryschool/ Previous Fa...

July 1, 2023
Attention Parents/Guardians
Have you completed your student's enrollment application yet?
Valentine Elementary School will be holding two final days of Last Chance Enrollmen...