Families in Transition (FIT) / McKinney-Vento

Arizona State Laws, Arizona Administrative Code and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 ensure educational rights to children living in transitional and homeless situations.

If, due to a lack of housing, you must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings or trailers, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then according to the McKinney-Vento Act, you are eligible for participation in the Valentine Elementary School Families in Transition (FIT) program.

Your Children Have the Right To:

  • Go to school, no matter where you live or how long you have lived there.

  • Continue in the school they last attended before you became homeless or the school they last attended, if that is your choice and is feasible.

  • Receive transportation to the school they last attended before your family became homeless or the school they last
    attended, if you or a guardian requests such transportation.

  • Attend a school and participate in school programs with children who are not homeless.

  • Enroll in school without giving a permanent address.

  • Enroll and attend classes while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records or any other documents required for enrollment.

  • Enroll and attend classes in the school of your choice even while the school and you seek to resolve a dispute over enrolling your child.

  • Receive the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children served in these programs.

  • Receive transportation to school and to school programs.

FIT Eligibility Questionnaire

FIT Important Links


For more information, contact your local school or Families in Transition Liaison at (928)769-2310.

Questions for Parents to Ask at School

Children can be encouraged by your interest in their day at school, their homework, and the papers they bring home. They also benefit when you take time to ask questions or visit their school.

Here are some questions for you to ask at your child’s school:

  • Who is the local liaison for homeless education?

  • What transportation is available for my child to stay in the same school?

  • If we have to change schools, can someone help us transfer records quickly?

  • Is there a preschool program?

  • Is there a summer school program?

  • Are any tutoring services available for my child?

  • If my child needs special education services, how long is the wait for testing?

  • Are there special classes to benefit a talent my child has?

  • Are there sports, music, or other activities my child can be a part of?

  • How can my child receive free meals at school?

  • Are school supplies available?

  • Will my child be able to go on class field trips if we are unable to pay?