OUR SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS HAVE CHANGED Like and follow our new Facebook and Instagram Pages https://www.facebook.com/ValentineElementarySchool https://www.instagram.com/valentineelementaryschool/
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Updated Social Media Links
Valentine Elementary Office Hours 6.12 - 6.15 Mon-Wed 10am to 4pm Thurs 9am to 3pm Acceptance/Enrollment Letters for '23-'24 school year will be mailed out, starting June 22nd.
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Office Hours 6.12-6.15
Our June School Board Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, June 20, 2023 @ 4:30pm.
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
June 2023 SBM
Field Day in the Hualapai's / Last Day of School, Thursday, May 25th
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Field Day 2023
Dear Valentine Families, Notice has gone out from the Boys & Girls Club that they will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, May 23rd and Wednesday, May 24th for Staff Training. Thursday, May 25th and Friday, May 26th the Club will be closed for Cleaning and Summer Prep. Please make sure to call the office if your student normally goes to Boys & Girls Club to let us know what bus stop they should be dropped at instead/or if you will be picking up your student. 928.769.2310 (Tues/Wed: KG releases @ 1:45pm as usual, 1st-8th is released as usual @ 3:30pm, Thursday is Field Day in the Hualapai Mountains with Students out at Noon. Busing will be available back to the school/normal bus route or you may sign out, then take your student home from the picnic.)
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Club Closure 5.23-5.29
Early Release May 18, 2023 @ Noon
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Early Release May 18, 2023
Dear Valentine Families, We wanted to give you a heads-up that we received word from Mohave Electric Co-op that there will be a scheduled power outage starting at 8am and hopefully lasting only 15min, tomorrow, Tuesday, May 16th. We will still start school at 8am, as usual. Thanks, and have a great evening!
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, Traffic delays have us leaving Seligman right now. ETA to school is 8:35pm. Families will need to sign their students out from the gym as students will not be released directly from the buses. Thanks!
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, We want to assure you that per our last post regarding two confirmed cases of Foot, Hand, and Mouth Disease, we are taking extra precautions to protect students and staff from the virus. We are applying COVID measures on the buses with another full cleaning and sanitization this evening and will have masks available for students who request them. We look forward to enjoying a fun-filled day tomorrow on our Field Trip to the OdySea Aquarium! Thanks, and have a great evening!
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, We have received word of two confirmed Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease cases in our 1st/2nd Grade classroom. Given that students will be on the field trip tomorrow, May 11th, in an enclosed bus for an extended period of time, please make sure they aren’t displaying any of the symptoms, and if so please keep them home, so as not to spread the virus. "Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is seen most often in the summer and early fall. Asymptomatic people can spread the virus to others. SYMPTOMS may include: • fever • reduced appetite • sore throat • sores or blisters on mouth, palms, and soles 1-2 days after fever • drooling The incubation period is usually 3-6 days. Transmission may occur by contact with secretions from the nose, mouth, and throat, stool-to-mouth (fecal-oral) spread by way of unwashed hands, or foods contaminated by unwashed hands. PREVENTION Proper hand-washing with soap and water. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, soiled items (including toys)." [The quoted information above regarding Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is from the AZ Dept of Health Service/CDC.]
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, Tomorrow, Thursday, May 11, 2023 is our school field trip to the OdySea Aquarium in Scottsdale. Students will need to report to their bus stops to be picked up an hour earlier than usual so that we can leave by 7am. If you plan to drop your student off at the school, be here by 6:45am. Students who have lost the privilege to attend have already been informed and are to stay home Thursday, May 11th, as there will be no one present at the school. Please make sure your students have a jacket for the cooler temps in the AM. We are scheduled to return to the school at 7:30pm, please arrive for pick up 15min earlier. Thanks, and have a great evening!
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, Please be sure to send your student with a jacket for the Track Meet today, Thursday, May 4th. Temps will be in the low 60's and we want everyone to enjoy their time and be comfortable. Thanks!
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, Enrollment Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are now available in the office and on our website (select 'Open Enrollment' on the yellow bar, access link to PRINT the PDF application). Returning and new students are required to fill out an application each school year. There have been significant changes to the application this year. The entire application must be completed and brought to the office by the enrolling parent/guardian. Make sure to complete all required signatures, and to include all required supporting documents. Your students' AM Bus Stop and PM Bus Stop must be filled in on the form (pg. 4 of 4 on the application form). Unless there is a family emergency, the stop specified in your students' application will be their permanent pick up/drop off location for the entire school year. (Bus Stop List available on website) The Home Language Survey must be filled out in its entirety. The Arizona Residency Documentation Form must be brought into the office with the required supporting documents. IF you are completing an Affidavit of Shared Residence because you do not have residency documentation, then that form must be signed by a Notary Public. If your physical residence is outside the Valentine Elementary School District boundaries, the Zone Variance/Attendance Exception Request Form MUST include the required letter that explains the reasons for the Attendance Exception request. Copies of your students' Birth Certificate, Immunizations, and any applicable court documents regarding custody or contact restrictions must be submitted at the same time you submit your application. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED AND NOT CONSIDERED. If you have any questions, please call the office at (928)769-2310.
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Good Afternoon Valentine Families, Here is the schedule for the Small Schools Track Meet, this Thursday, May 4th. Included is the Assignments for Volunteers for the Track Meet. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact the office at 928.769.2310 Thanks, and have a great day!
over 1 year ago, Valentine Elementary School
Schedule for Small Schools Track Meet 5.4.23
Assignments for Small Schools Track Meet 5.4.23
Dear Valentine Families, Starting today, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, ALL bus stop destination changes for the bus run in the afternoon must be called in by 3pm. Changes will not be accepted after 3pm. Texting your student their drop off location will not be accepted. The front desk must hear directly from the parent/guardian in order to change their usual drop off spot. Please call 928.769.2310 to alert the office to your students drop off changes. Thanks, and have a great day!
almost 2 years ago, Valentine Elementary School
School Wellness Committee Notice for April 2023
almost 2 years ago, Valentine Elementary School
School Wellness Committee Notice
Dear Valentine Families, Tomorrow, Friday, April 21st is our LAST Friday school! We have finally made up all our snow days. Remember to please have your students at their morning pick-up stop 15min earlier than their usual pick-up time on account of the ongoing road construction on Route 66. Breakfast will be served, but there will be no lunch as students are released at noon. Thanks, and have a great evening!
almost 2 years ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, Due to the ongoing construction delays on Route 66 (now, through Thursday, April 27th, 6am to 6pm) we request that ALL bus routes: • Peach Springs • Truxton-Valentine Buck and Doe West report in the mornings to their bus stop 15min earlier than their usual pick-up time to allow for the delay in getting to and from the bus stops. If you are dropping off/picking up your student, please factor in time for the traffic delays. We appreciate you and thank you for your assistance in helping things flow smoothly while road construction is occurring. Thanks, and have a great day!
almost 2 years ago, Valentine Elementary School
Dear Valentine Families, Due to the ongoing construction delays on Route 66 (now, through Thursday, April 27th, 6am to 6pm) we request that you have your Peach Springs Route students report in the mornings to their bus stop 15min earlier than their usual pick-up time to allow for the delay in getting to and from Peach Springs. If you are dropping off/picking up your student, please factor in time for the traffic delays. We appreciate you and thank you for your assistance in helping things flow smoothly while road construction is occurring. Thanks, and have a great day!
almost 2 years ago, Valentine Elementary School
Continued Roadwork Notice 2.20-4.27
PUBLIC NOTICE: Valentine Elementary School's April Board Meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18, 2023 @ 4:30pm in the school office.
almost 2 years ago, Valentine Elementary School
Board Meeting 4.18.23